Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Do you know us?

or us?

or us?

The names for those in this photo are in the comments section with thanks to Rosanne (Pugliese) Hill. See you and your family at the reunion Rosanne!!!

Sunday, September 25, 2005

It's Fall!!!

Yes it’s hard to believe it's Fall so here are some Rockland County pics showing the area this time of year. If you’ve got pictures of where you live and would like them to be shown on the site, send them to: We welcome any pictures of Halloween now or past with costumes, jack-o-lanterns, kids playing in the leaves, chipmunks or raccoons stocking up on food from your garbage, whatever you have we'll take it!

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Calling all friends and relatives!!!

We are putting together a number of photo projects for the 2006 Reunion. If you have pictures that you’d like to see included in the finished projects, please send them to Ken Barone at, or mail them to Ken Barone 1256 N. Tapadero Dr Dewey, AZ 86327. Please send copies only. We don’t want you to part with the originals. If you don’t have a scanner, Kinko’s, Office Max, Staples, and many office supply stores can do this for you.

We’ve set a deadline date of May 1st for sending in the pictures to finish the projects in time for the reunion so please keep this in mind. You can send in pictures after this but there’s no guarantee that they’ll end up in the finished projects. If you’d like to send in stories of your own family or recall stories of past relatives and families, please feel free to send these along also. Occasionally we’ll post requests of different wish lists for projects and deadlines for these during the coming months. We hope you’ll take part!

The Reunion Committee

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Richard Barone in Louisiana

Son of Keith Barone, Rich is in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He will be there for at least a month as he is a firefighter for the Pinewood Fire Dept. of Flagstaff, Arizona. Rich is a Emergency Medical Technician and is part of a local volunteer team sent to help in the recovery process. We’ll occasionally update this site on his time there. His wife, Andrea is very proud of him as are his kids, Derek and Madisyn, and the rest of his family.


Wednesday, September 14, 2005


If'n you remember from a previous posting about The Tombstone Gang consisting of Frankie “You Lookin at Me?” Barone, Rocky “Taco Rocco” Barone, Sonny “Corleone” Barone, and Ken “Mad Dog aka Doc aka Smiley” Rowell, it is reported that they were aprehended at the Birdcage Saloon in Tombstone, Arizona. Now contrary to previous legends about the historic fight, things was brought to a surprising end thanks to Sheriff Keith “Big Dawgy”Barone. Witnesses said it all started in the Birdcage Saloon and went something like this:

“After sidleing up to the bar, Sheriff Keith was helped up on a barstool (w/childseat of course) and ordered a sasparilla. (root beer). After being served his usual “sippie cup”of frothy sodee, he took a long sip, turned and glared down the bar at the 4some known as the Tombstone Gang who were milling around generally upsetting the patrons. It was Frankie who noticed the staring of the Sheriff….”

Frankie: “You lookin at ME???”
Sheriff Keith: “yup, I’m lookin at you.”
Sonny: “Hey, Taco Rocco, he’s lookin at Frankie!”
Taco Rocco: “Uh Oh!”
Mad Dog: (without smiling) “yup, yer in trouble now Sheriff!”
Frankie: “alright little guy, why are you lookin at me?”
Sheriff Keith: “cause y’all are meanies and y’all been makin people sad and I’m here to ask you nicely, to stop.”
After a long stare and pause…..
Frankie: “he axed us nicely guys!”
Sonny: “yea, we ain’t never been axed nicely before…”
Taco Rocco: “nope, never axed us”
Mad Dog: (slight smile) “excuse their bad use of the English grammar Sheriff; they mean, “no one has ever ASKED us before.”

This caused the Gang to reflect about how badly they’ve acted and after sharing a sasparilla together(yea, through a sippie cup) they all went out back and helped turn the dusty ol’ O.K Corral into a playground for Sheriff Keith and his friends to play stickball & bocce ball. There they decided to change their ways for good!

The end

Sunday, September 11, 2005

After a long anticipated wait...the Babcock kids!

My name is Connor Vincent Babcock.I live in Apopka, Florida, which is right near Orlando. My dad is Ryerson Babcock whose the son of Angie Babcock (formerly Angie Barone). Since we live in Florida we get to go to Disney World a lot. I absolutely love the Aerosmith’s Rock n Roller Coaster, Space Mountain, and Splash Mountain. I’m in the Rookies Division for baseball and almost always get a hit. I’m going to be starting tennis lessons while waiting for baseball season to start in the Spring.

My birth date was: January 7, 1998
My age is: 7-1/2I live in this town: Apopka, Florida
I go to this school: Wekiva Elementary School
My favorite subject in school is: Math
I would like to be a: Rock star
My favorite band is: Bon Jovi (mom’s influence)
My favorite author is: Mary Pope Osborne
My 3 favorite foods are: ice cream, chicken piccata and baby pork ribs.
My 3 favorite books are: Civil War on Sunday, Revolutionary War on Wednesday, and Mummies in the Morning.
My 3 favorite movies are: Help!, Abbott and Costello’s Keystone Cops, and The Patriot.
My 3 favorite hobbies are: Baseball, video games and reading.

My name is Shane Lee Babcock. I live in Apopka, Florida, which is right near Orlando. My dad is Ryerson Babcock who’s the son of Angie Babcock (formerly Angie Barone).

I play baseball like Connor, my older brother, and we’re going to be on the same team this spring since I’m not doing t-ball but will be a Rookie too! I love playing my guitar and Dad lets me use his Beatle CDs to play to. I have a friend who comes over and we play band with Connor. I also like playing with all of my action figures like Dracula, Batman, Power Rangers, Frankenstein and a whole bunch more.
My birth date was: July 22, 1999
My age is: 6
I live in this town: Apopka, Florida
I go to this school: Wekiva Elementary School
My favorite subject in school is: P.E.
I would like to be a: Policeman
My favorite band is: Beatles (dad’s influence)
My favorite author is: Barbara Park
My 3 favorite foods are: salad, chicken piccata, and ice cream
My 3 favorite books are: any June B. Jones, Bottoms and Tops, and Trip Around the World
My 3 favorite movies are: The Sandlot, Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein, and A Hard Day’s Night.
My 3 favorite hobbies are: Playing guitar, sports, listening to music.

My name is Shannon Dorothy Angeline Babcock.
I live in Apopka, Florida, which is right near Orlando. My dad is Ryerson Babcock who’s the son of Angie Babcock (formerly Angie Barone). My mom and dad made my name so long because they said that a lot of grandmas get jipped when it comes to naming grandkids. So they made sure that both of my grandmas’ names were there. It’s nice, but it makes for a very long name!

My birth date was: September 25, 2002
My age is: 3
I live in this town: Apopka, Florida
I go to this school: school of MOM
My favorite subject in school is: playing
I would like to be a: worker at Disney World
My favorite band is: Wiggles
My favorite author is: Alyssa Satin Capucilli.
My 3 favorite foods are: chicken piccata, chocolate chip cookies, and ice cream!
My 3 favorite books are: any Biscuit book, Three Little Pigs, and Monsters Inc. books.
My 3 favorite movies are: any Harry Potter movie, Stuart Little and Wiggles Magical Adventure.
My 3 favorite hobbies are: going to Disney World, swimming and playing at the playground.

My name is Cole Thomas Babcock. I live in Apopka, Florida, which is right near Orlando. My dad is Ryerson Babcock who’s the son of Angie Babcock (formerly Angie Barone).
I like to go swimming. I try to escape mom’s arms in the pool and get to go underwater because she hopes I’ll stop doing it – but I don’t, I LIKE IT! I like to dance to The Wiggles and I’m figuring out how to do the dances they do.

My birth date was: April 20, 2004
My age is: 16 months
I live in this town: Apopka, Florida
I go to this school: what’s school?
My favorite subject in school is: learning to talk
I would like to be: older!
My favorite band is: Wiggles
My favorite author is: what’s an author
My 3 favorite foods are: I can only have 3?! I’ll eat anything but tacos!!!
My 3 favorite books are: any Biscuit book, Big Red Barn, Pooh’s 5 Little Honeypots.
My 3 favorite movies are: Wiggles Magical Adventure; Wiggles Top of the Tots and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory..
My 3 favorite hobbies are: bugging my brothers and sister, trying to escape the house and, last but not least, climbing anything I can!

If you'd like us to post something for you please email us at or or mail it in to:
Ken Barone 1256 N. Tapadero Dr Dewey, AZ 86327
or Jennifer Rowell 410 Maple Ave Upper Nyack, NY 10960
Send details on you or your kids or family and anything else you'd like us to know, past present or future. Send pictures too!


Saturday, September 10, 2005

January 2nd, 1996

An infamous day when the Tombstone Gang rode boldly past Boot Hill, glared at the headstones, scoffed at death, then mosied into town and like the tourists they were, posed for this picture.

Now, thatsa nice!
Albertson's Grocery a local grocery chain (Based in Idaho actually) has released a brand of bread in Arizona that you may recognize. It's not the first time Puglieses' have been in Arizona though.... Cousin/Father Frank Pugliese along with Aunt Sally came out in the late 60's and Grandma Jennie Pugliese Barone came out in the 60's, and 70's,& 80's, and Lillian Pugliese Kurisko came out with her family earlier this year! So, welcome back to the Pugliese name in Arizona!

Monday, September 05, 2005

I remember Camp O'Donnell
by Charles Barone

The following are events of just one day out of two great years of my then young life.

In January of 1950, little ole "Sonny" Barone landed in the Philippines to begin a two year stint of overseas duty for the U.S. Army. Our station was a remote outpost called "Camp O'Donnell" , which was roughly 100 miles north of the capital city of Manila. Basketball became one of our most important forms of recreation and it certainly helped that our "Officer In Charge" was a big sport fan. He saw to it that we were able to play basketball games with local teams from the nearby "barrios" (neighborhoods). The O.I.C. held the rank of Captain, but on the basketball court was our 2nd string guard. The Captain would do all the leg work like setting up games, etc., then we would go out on weekends and get whipped more times than I like to remember. But, dispite losing a lot, they were still fun times. I can recall one game in particular, as this day was a little special.

As we pulled into the barrio, the locals had planned a surprise and welcomed us with a hometown marching band. There weren't many in the band, maybe 12 to 15, but coming down that dirt road that ran into the middle of town, they sure made a lot of noise with those horns atooting, and those drums abanging and a bunch of kids blowing whistles and all having a heck of a good time. The U.S. Army Band could not have impressed us more. It was a great start to a great day. Anyway, back to the game. The basketball court was located in the middle of that barrio. The people lived in wooden thatched roof homes, mostly built on stilts for when the "Monsoons" came. These "homes" completely surrounded the basketball court, and long before the game started the locals started to gather in the homes to watch the game. They just hung out of the windows or sat on the covered porches and thoroughly enjoyed watching the bigger Americans get their butts kicked. But, it was all in fun, and we laughed and had as much fun as the spectators. And, in return they cheered us just as much as they cheered for their home team. Those fans were terrific. They had ringside, skybox seats and they didn't have to leave home.

By the way, at the conclusion of the game (of course we lost) these kind people served us a fabulous barbeque pig dinner with all the trimmings. I can truly say that I enjoyed that basket ball game more than any that I have ever play. It wasn't an historical day or a earth shaking day to rest of the world, but to me and the other G.I.'s who played ball that Sunday afternoon 10,000 miles from home, it was a day we would never forget.

Cpl. Charles "Sonny" Barone
Gilbert, AZ

ok, so here's the real story:

see web stats